Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Update Blog

Got a call from my mother yesterday telling me I really needed to update my blog! Sorry for the delay...actually I didn't even know I was behind...but life has been pretty busy around here lately! First off, here's a new video of Lila walking. She's pretty much already running...CRAZY, huh?? I guess she is trying to keep up with those brothers after all. Everyone always says the same thing...she looks too little to walk! And I always reply saying, "she's SUPER active and I'm definitely going to have to keep up with her!" But, everyone knows my boys are very active, too so she just fits right in! I was hopin for 1 calm child...guess God thought differently.

Anyway, if you're wondering why she's super fussy in the video it's b/c about an hour after this I found out she had a bad ear infection at the Dr. AND she really wants the wine cork I'm using to get her to walk to me!

Jack just started basketball and it's really funny. At his age, no one really knows whats going on and it really is a big cluster you know what, moving up and down the court. But, he loves it and it is fun to watch.

Cade, well he's been Cade! He's really into Scooby-do and yesterday we had a very heated discussion about why we didn't name Lila, Velma and him, Shaggy! Thank God we didn't let him pick names, right? And, if Lola could talk she'd be sayin, "No, I don't want a scooby snack and no I don't wanna find monsters!"

Eric's still been working hard training for the 1/2 marathon. Only he got some kind of runner's knee and it's delayed his training a bit. Long runs are hard on the knee. I just told him even if you run 3 or 4 miles a few times a week, that's still better than my walking 30 mins on the treadmill...I wish I was a runner. He's still planning on doing the marathon as of now. Also, it's super busy crazy time in Hartford America right now, so that hasn't help his running either. And I am not a Happy Mama when he comes home late and then says he's got to run!!! Sorry E...I promise to work on that!

I've been doing ok, with my New Years stuff...I'm on book #3, the kids haven't really been eating ALL home-made food, but I haven't bought CK nuggets since New Year's (well, not grocery ones, still have to buy McDs when we travel!) and I'm working on a volunteer oppurtunity at a homeless shelter here in McKinney.

We just spent last weekend with some old friends from San Antonio and had a blast!

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