Monday, March 30, 2009

Super Sandwich

So now that we have 3 kids it's no longer one to one (if you know what I mean!). The other day, I was feeding the baby and Eric was working outside. Jack said he was hungry and wanted a sandwich. I told him to wait until the baby was done and I would fix a peanut butter sandwich for him. He told me he would just make it himself and I said "GREAT!!!". We need somebody to start being more self-sufficient! Apparently he was really hungry, because he made a HUGE sandwich...4 pieces of bread with 3 peanut butter fillings! He told me it was a Super Sandwich and it's what Scooby-do eats! Here's a picture of Jack and his Super Sandwich (and he did eat almost the entire thing!).

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

First 2 Weeks

The first 2 weeks with Lila Grace have been great!!! She's still really good, so sweet and goes with the flow...if she would just work on sleeping better at night! Here's a look at what we've done with her...

We've played with her (or at least around her!)

We've hid from her (When I asked Cade what he was doing he said, "hiding from the baby!")

We've dressed the dog up in her things...thanks for loaning us the boppy - Lisa!!

We've introduced her to her other sister...Lola.

We've loved on her!!!

and loved on her some more!!!

And we've dressed her in all her cute clothes (you can see she doesn't always like it!!)

Monday, March 16, 2009

She's a Fortner!!!

Lila Grace Fortner made her appearance at 1:15 am on March 12th. Labor and delivery were very uneventful and she did great. She is now 4 days old and has been really good so far! She eats well, doesn't cry much and seems to be very content most of the time. She sleeps pretty well, but Mom would LOVE for her to sleep better. The boys (including Eric) are all fascinated with her. She is very sweet!

She's definitely a Fortner! Right when she came out I could tell she looked exactly like Jack as a baby. Most people agree she is very Fortner! I can't other two are very cute...and look nothing like their Mama!! Anyways here are some pictures of Jack, Cade, Eric and I as babies so you can decide exactly who does she look like????




Lila Grace


Wednesday, March 11, 2009

This is the day...Let us rejoice and be glad!!

Hallelujah!! Sister is coming out tonight!! My induction was changed to 5pm today. Hopefully she'll make her debut before midnight, but we'll see. I've been having contractions for 2 days so I'm hoping to have made enough progress, to get in there and just go. We are more than excited! I'm packed and ready to go, E is "working" from home, I think he was too excited to go into the office, Jack wanted to be picked up early b/c he can hardly contain his excitement and Cade did not want to do anything I told him to do this morning (every time we make a big change in his world he is not very good...poor longer the baby!) Anyways soon enough we will be a happy family of five!!! Here's one last look at just the four of us.........(and Lola)

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Sister is stubborn!!!!

Well, I'm 38 weeks and sister is still "way up there" and I'm only dilated to a 1!!! If I hear the Dr say she's still "way up there" one more time, I'm going to lose it! The end is the worst and I think its even worse for me because its my 3rd. I've been so moody and irritable this past poor family! I had an appointment yesterday and when E came home from work and asked how it went and I told him no progress towards delivery, he said, "should the kids and I move out for 2 weeks?!" I'm so sorry family!!! At this point I'm just wanting my non swollen, non gassy, non heartburn, non achy body back!!!

Ok, enough venting! There is an end in sight...induction is set for March 16th at 5 a.m. Yay!!!!!!!!!!! I'm so excited and know that it's all worth it in the end.