Wednesday, March 11, 2009

This is the day...Let us rejoice and be glad!!

Hallelujah!! Sister is coming out tonight!! My induction was changed to 5pm today. Hopefully she'll make her debut before midnight, but we'll see. I've been having contractions for 2 days so I'm hoping to have made enough progress, to get in there and just go. We are more than excited! I'm packed and ready to go, E is "working" from home, I think he was too excited to go into the office, Jack wanted to be picked up early b/c he can hardly contain his excitement and Cade did not want to do anything I told him to do this morning (every time we make a big change in his world he is not very good...poor longer the baby!) Anyways soon enough we will be a happy family of five!!! Here's one last look at just the four of us.........(and Lola)

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