Monday, August 24, 2009


Today is Jack's first day of school. Why is this so hard for me? I'm really really sad! Is it because he's my first? Is it because he's so sweet and innocent and that's sure to change after his first year at public school? Is it because he's always been a "Mama's boy"? Or is it just that it makes me feel really really old (selfish, I know!)? But I will say, E really put this one in perspective when he told me, "Just think. When Lila Grace starts kinder, I'll be 41". That's old! He always makes me feel so much better!

I really think he's just getting to be a "big" kid and no longer my baby. I really noticed things were changing when we went school shopping. First, he informed me he no longer wants to wear undies with "things" on them. They must be, "the plain ones, like Dad wears". Then when we went to get shoes, I was looking at the cute little skechers or even Nikes. He picked out these total skater shoes with bloody skeleton heads on them! I told him absolutely not! There's no way I can send him to kindergarten with those shoes on! We agreed on some skater looking Nikes (w/o skeleton heads!).

Anyways, he was more than excited to go. He said he can't wait to learn to read. He was especially excited about the bus and absolutely could not understand why I had to take him to school and he didn't get to ride the bus! I'm like please give your Mom a break already...this is tough enough!

It's I going to make it till 3:15 when he gets off the bus??? And then what about tomorrow....
ps. Cade's already complaining he has nobody to play with!

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