Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Little Sluggers

Cade and Jack started T-ball and are on the same team. They both love it and have a great time. Several of thier friends from school are on the same team, so it makes it more fun for them. This is Jack's 3rd time playing and him and his buddy Riley are the best 2 on the team. Jack plays pitcher and catches the ball and throws to Riley who plays 1st. They do really well! This is Cade's 1st time playing...any organized sport! It's pretty funny! He has a friend named Matthew who he loves and the whole game they talk to each other, dance, give each other five, play in the dirt, etc. They only pay attention for about the 1st half and then the next half they spend being very silly. Here's a video of Cade's first time at can tell he has no idea what to do!!! It was really funny! I've also attached a silly picture of him and his friend Matthew.

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