Wednesday, February 9, 2011

7 days of CRAZIness

In the last seven days we've had the CRAZiest weather for Texans...

And sooooo we've done and seen some pretty CRAZY things...

Here's our top 10

10. We've had ice, snow, rain and ice some more...all creating CRAZY weather conditions, CRAZY roads and CRAZIER drivers!!

9. The boys and Lila have had FIVE snow days off school...TX may be BIGGER and BETTER than everyone, but they sure can't handle the snow!!

8. Mom got paid for four days of non-working! First time EVER...I've always worked contract, or just not worked :)

7. We played our new PS3 ALL DAY LONG one day...and YES this does make us CRAZY!!!

6. We sled down our driveway.

5. We made a homemade hot tub. (Don't tell Jack you saw this picture...when I took it, he made me "promise to not put it on facebook!")

4. We've become ADDICTED to hot chocolate!!

3. We wrestled and wrestled some more...driving Mom CRAZY!!

2. We slept with Dad (this wasn't CRAZY...just CUTE)

1. We've had some CRAZY fun...but if we don't get back to our normal schedule Mom will GO CRAZY!!!

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