Thursday, February 11, 2010

Confessions of a stay at home Mom

Ok so I've got 2 confessions to make. Here goes...

So you all know how I mentioned previously that it's super busy crazy time in Hartford America. Well, Eric's been out of town...ALOT lately. And you know kids don't ever say, "good dinner!" or "the house looks clean!" or "you look nice!", so I've been feeling really overworked and under appreciated.

So here's my first confession...I bought myself some really sassy boots today! I know I shouldn't have with my birthday so close, but I've been eyeing these for awhile and today when I got up I's the day! So, Cade and Lila and I went to the Mall today and got them. I'm so excited and can't wait to wear them out. Here they are..LOVE THEM!!!!!

Second confession...

I've mentioned I really want this necklace from Eric. Well, I totally found the receipt!!!! And no, I wasn't snooping, I just came across it. Honestly, he didn't put in a good hiding spot. But, you can bet once I found the receipt, I went hunting for that necklace. I am way to excited to wait for my birthday!!!! However I could not find it! I'm wondering now if he planted the receipt to brighten my very lonely week?! If so, smart move, totally worked! So maybe I'll get it for Valentines Day instead... I hope so, I've got exactly 9 more days till my B-day...I don't know if I can wait that long!

ps. If you read this in the next few days don't mention to usually take him awhile to check the blog!

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