Monday, January 4, 2010

New Year, New resolutions!

It was a year ago that I started blogging (I can't believe I've stuck with it!). I never thought of myself as a suburban stay at home Mom who loves to blog and craft. But, that's me...only I don't craft...but want to start! Anyway, one of my first blogs was what we were going to try and accomplish for 2009. Mainly what I said was eat healthy, be healthier and be a better Mom and yes I think I've worked on these and made improvements and will continue to do so...aren't all of these a work in progress?!? So this year I decided to pick more specific resolutions for myself. But first, I found Eric's written on paper in our office so I thought I'd share, so we can all hold him accountable, too. They are very Ericish...

1. Lose 20 lbs...blah
(fyi...weight loss goals should be about 10...maybe even 5)

2. Save more...double blah

3. Run 2, 1/2 marathons
This ones pretty good and he's already training. He's talked about this before, but I think this may actually be the year. He's got one booked for Feb. so I'll keep you posted...

4. Contribute more money to our church
Good, but boring (is that wrong to say that?)

5. Buy my wife the necklace she really wants for her Birthday.
Ok, he didn't actually write this one down, but he should have!!! I really want that necklace!!!

Here are mine...

1. Read more
This includes reading more books to my children and reading more books for myself. I used to read a lot when I had 2, but since LG was born I haven't read at all. I started the 3rd Twilight book before her birth and am STILL reading it!

2. Make more home made food.
I feel like my children only like processed food (Ck nuggets and boxed mac n cheese). I can make these home made...right? How hard can it be to slap some bread crumbs on ck and bake in the oven? I hope I stick to this and don't take the easy way out...

3. Serve others.
Not sure specifically what I want to do, but have lots of possibilities including volunteering more at the kids schools or our church. I'll let you know what I decide.

Hope we can accomplish all our goals for 2010! Happy New Years Everyone!!!

1 comment:

  1. I like all your resolutions. I still haven't come up with my official ones... is there a deadline for that? Ha... if I don't come up with one then maybe I don't have to have at all.
