Thursday, October 15, 2009

2 more down...

Well, this is one house that will not be getting the H1N1 vaccine! Why?? Because, all 3 kids have had it!

This weeks been crazy! Cade came home last Friday very tired and spiked his fever Saturday and was feeling better Monday, but then regressed again Tuesday. Come to find out he got a secondary infection of pneumonia (not bad, though) and is still feeling sick. He is on antibiotics so he should be back to normal feeling by tomorrow...I hope...and pray...fingers crossed!!! Oh by the way...he HATES the medicine! E and I have to chase him down, pin him down, stick the squirter down his throat and hold his mouth shut (sounds horrible, I know!). THEN...he throws it up 10-20 mins later. SO, tomorrow at our follow up appt, if he's not better, I'm asking for a shot!

Lila Grace spiked her fever Tuesday night and went on the tamaflu Wednesday and is doing much much better. Thanks goodness, b/c as much as I've complained about having "older" sick kids its EVEN harder to have a sick baby. Poor thing was just plain irritable and could not relax enough to sleep and I felt like I held her for 12 hrs straight! At least the older ones could just lay on the couch and moan every now and again! As soon as she went on the tamaflu she started getting better.

Luckily, I feel like we are all on the mend! It has been horrible, but I must say I'm glad we've been thru it, b/c once you get it you can't get it again!!!!!

Here are some pictures of my 2 sickies...


  1. OHHHH! Look at those faces! They make be sick but they are still adorable! So excited to see you guys in a few weeks! Hope everyone starts to feel better!


  2. These pictures are too much! Poor poor babies-they look so miserable it's almost funny to see Cade b/c he looks like he's mad!! And little Lila Grace, bless her heart. It's pitiful when they're sick isn't it! Luckily it's already come and gone at your house-I'm dreading it!
