Happy Birthday to you
Happy Birthday to you
Happy Birthday dear sweet cute CRAZY Cade
Happy Birthday to you
Dear Cade,
Today you turn 4 years old!! You're Dad and I are so excited for you. Especially because we are out of your TER-RI-BLE 3s! You turned the corner and are a joy to be around! You are so fun and funny. You love a crowd and the crowd usually loves you! You love to tell stories, joke around and trick people. You also love to sing and dance. You have your own rendition of nursery rhyme songs that you sing to Lila Grace and it's so sweet and so funny! You love playing legos and the Wii with Jack and you really look up to him. I can't believe you're turning 4! You're getting so big too fast! Keep making Mom and Dad laugh, Lila Grace smile and Jack "lighten up" when he gets too serious! We love you so much!
Love, Mom XOXO
ps. You also have the best hair of any 4 yr old I know!!!
Here's some pictures of Cade over the years and today....
Cade at 1
at 2
I love him!