Friday, July 17, 2009

Summer Fun!

Okay, we've had a REALLY crazy summer so far and I can't believe it's July 15th and I've yet to post anything the boys have done! I thought my first summer with 3 was going to be REALLY tough, but it's actually been ok (besides the obvious!). I signed the boys up for a few little mini camps and have also set up various playdates so we seem to have stayed pretty busy.

Jack loves his weekly playdates with his buddy Diego. They are both Wii obsessed...I call them wii-ners (not to their face!HA!). They both can play for multiple hours. They are super competitive but don't seem to fight over the games. We have a lot of teamwork games so I think that helps. Right now the fav is StarWars's really cute! He could really care less about "camps" but does go and seems to like it when he goes. He's also really into allowance. He wants to earn money for a Lego set that costs $100. I told him he could have $1 a week, but E said $5. He told me he like Dad's idea better b/c it would only take him 20 weeks to earn the money vs. 100...What 5 year old knows that stuff!!!...only a little Eric!

Cade LOVES camp! Everything I've signed him up for he is completely excited about and comes home with lots of new dances, songs, chants and stories. They've been in VBS this week and the other night I could hear him laying in bed chanting, "God is powerful...Fear Not!" Cade loves to swim and gets better and better every time he goes. He still doesn't want to leave the floaties, but seriously I would let him wear them to 15 yrs old if he wanted. Do you know how hard it is to watch two active boys at the pool???

Both the boys went to the lake for the 4th. E and I were so jealous! We've only missed 1 other 4th at the lake...and that was our honeymoon...and we've always regretted that! Just kidding!! We get to go in 6 days from now and we are counting down the days. So looking forward to it! Here's some pictures of us at the lake in previous years...

Lila Grace is doing really great too!! She has been back to her normal happy self now that she's on that reflux medicine. She's smiling laughing giggling rolling over and grabbing for everything. She still doesn't sleep near as much as she did pre-surgery, but she has more energy since she isn't working so hard to breathe! The other really great news is she is now taking the bottle. The doctor said we needed to start supplementing calorie loaded bottles into her diet, b/c she needs to gain some more weight. She is taking 2 extra bottles a day and Mama is so so so happy!!

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