Funny story...
Yesterday Cade had a playdate with a little neighbor buddy. Apparently for two silly 3 yr olds the word of the day was "butt"! In our house this is a bad word, but the two of them were playing so well I didn't want to make a big deal out of it. Also, if you tell Cade a word is bad, you're going to hear it 500 times in the next 24 hours! So they were playing in the toy room and I was putting away laundry, listening to them talk and play Starwars Wii. All of a sudden Cade's buddy says, "Butt Crack". I just start giggling to myself, b/c I know Cade has never heard this word and I can only imagine what was going through his little head.
Fast forward about 6 hours, Eric is home and we are all watching some tube before bed. Cade brings up "the word". He says, So and So said "Butt Crack". I look at Eric who is about to laugh and try to fill him in on the story before he laughs, b/c if Cade knows it's funny, he's going to say it 500 times in the next 24 hours! Anyways so I said, well Cade what do you think that means? He looked at me and said, "It means my butt is on crack!"...and yes, I burst out laughing!!!
For all you parents out there...What is worse for a 3 yr old, knowing what the space between the cheeks is called or saying your bum is doing an illegal substance????
Ohhhhh! That is hysterical! I love it. AND i LOVE Cade! I used to laugh at EVERYTHING he said, you guys would always yell at me for laughing! Couldn't help it. He is adorable!
ReplyDeleteAnd it sounds like you have had a crazy week! My life sounds so boring! I need to get on the baby train!
Love, Meg
Adam and I are both laughing so hard!! That is so Cade!