Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Sister is stubborn!!!!

Well, I'm 38 weeks and sister is still "way up there" and I'm only dilated to a 1!!! If I hear the Dr say she's still "way up there" one more time, I'm going to lose it! The end is the worst and I think its even worse for me because its my 3rd. I've been so moody and irritable this past poor family! I had an appointment yesterday and when E came home from work and asked how it went and I told him no progress towards delivery, he said, "should the kids and I move out for 2 weeks?!" I'm so sorry family!!! At this point I'm just wanting my non swollen, non gassy, non heartburn, non achy body back!!!

Ok, enough venting! There is an end in sight...induction is set for March 16th at 5 a.m. Yay!!!!!!!!!!! I'm so excited and know that it's all worth it in the end.


  1. You're just going to trade that body in for one with sore breasts and sleepless nights... maybe a week or 2 more wont be so bad! Hang in there!

  2. The ends always the worst! Hang in there. Only 11 more days!
