Saturday, January 31, 2009

Now and Later

So, I have to blog about Eric's mishap! This is my first about Eric, but I'm sure first of many (you will understand after you read this).
We were on our way to swimming lessons with both boys. Eric decided to eat some candy he found in the console. I had bought Now and Laters for Cade at the gas station earlier that week. When Cade picked them out, I tried to talk him out of them b/c they are way too hard, but he had too have them. I picked up a package of starbursts b/c I knew he wouldn't like them. So he did not like the Now and Laters and ate the starburst instead. Anyways so the Now and Laters sat in the console...I sure wasn't about to eat them!
As Eric was eating the Now and Laters, he started to crunch on something and upon pulling the candy out, realized it was his tooth!! He said, "OMG, I just broke my tooth of on this candy!". I said, "Did you eat a Now and Later? Who in thier adult life eats a Now and Later?? Everyone knows how hard they are!"
Luckily the tooth was already a fake one, so we didn't have to call the Dentist till the next day. However, when he did finally go to his appointment, he called me on his way home and said, "I have bad news." The dentist apparently found a lot of other things going on in his mouth that needed work. Grand total...$2,400.00!!!!! And that's with insurance!!!! I asked if he asked the dentist if we have to pay Now or Later (ha ha)!!

Anyways, I say this is the first of many "Eric Blogs" b/c just in the past year we've had 2 other "Eric accidents". I wasn't blogging when these occurred so I'll fill you in. One was this past fall when Eric went hunting. He pulled down the hatch of our SUV right onto the back of his head and gave himself a 3 inch gash. He decided to stay out for another 5 hours, continuing his hunt, with an open wound. When he got home, he made me inspect it and said we needed to go to the ER. I said, you just spent 5 hours out in the wilderness, with an open wound and you think their going to sew that up??? I don't think so, infection has probably already set in!!
It ended up being fine. We put liquid bandage on it and now he just has a nasty scar.
The other accident occurred last Spring, when he shut his own fingers in his own car door! His fingers swelled really big and you could see the blood behind the nails. Upon googling remedies, he decided to burn a safety pin and stick it on each nail, putting a small hole in the nail, and releasing the blood...SO GROSS!!!! Anyways, they're fine now!
I told him I want to say he's so accident prone...but I don't want to jinx us forever!!!


  1. I am the queen of breaking crowns! Thats too funny! See y'all later today!

  2. I can't believe he did that!! I remember when he poked holes in his nails to release the pressure! That was the most disgusting and painful thing I have ever heard of! He is crazy! I hope his mouth feels better after $2400 worth of work!
    love, Megan
